To cancel your subscription, log in to your MentorShow account, access the subscription settings via your profile and click "Cancel".
Here are the steps to follow to cancel the renewal of your MentorShow Unlimited Pass subscription:
Step 1:
Log in to your MentorShow account using the following URL:
Step 2:
Once logged in, go to your account settings by clicking on your profile in the top right corner, then selecting "My Account" followed by "Manage My Subscription".
Alternatively, click on this link:
Step 3:
Click on "Cancel" and follow the instructions provided.
⚠️ Please note: This cancellation request cannot be retroactive (after a renewal). The 14-day withdrawal period applies only to new subscriptions and not to subscription renewals.
If you have any questions or special requests, please do not hesitate to contact us by completing the form available here.